The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affects our emotions, thoughts and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy. The following techniques
and ways of life that will aid us in building a freer and more positive energy flow and raise your vibrations.
1. Proper Diet: Few of us realize the powerful effect of a proper diet not only on our physical health, but also on our emotional, mental and spiritual states. A clean diet can create greater health, more positive emotional states, clearer mental functioning, and increased spiritual attunement. Quick and simple definition of "clean" is eating fruits, vegetables and organic grass feed meats.
2. Vitamins: If we suspect our emotional state may also be the result of a worn down nervous system, we might benefit from a strong multivitamin and mineral supplement for one month. Three supplements that are helpful for just about everyone are D3, Vitamin C and Magnesium, but talk with your doctor or pharmacist to be sure these are good for you specifically.
3. Fasting: We can dramatically improve how we feel with short one-day fasts, or a “mono-diet” in which we eat only one type of food, such as apples, watermelon or grapes. When fasting, some may experience an increase of symptoms if a “healing crisis” is provoked. A beginner in this process should be assisted by an experienced guide.
4. Herbs and Flower Essence: Some herbs can be very calming and/or invigorating, offering an extra boost which may give us the needed optimism we need to make internal changes. Eucalyptus in the shower, lavender by your nightstand, herbal teas or something as simple as a vase with fresh flowers can raise your mood and connection to the earth.
5. Daily Physical Exercise: The body is a living machine, and like all machines, it needs to move or it will begin to develop problems. Exercise is essential not only for a healthy muscular, skeletal, and circulatory system, but also for a relaxed nervous system and balanced endocrine system. This systemic harmony is necessary for emotional and mental peace. It never has to be extensive, just a simple walk is sufficient and effective.
6. Breathing Techniques: These are essential for the abundant flow of vital energy throughout the body and mind. Bio-energy is the basis of all physical and mental functions. Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to increase our energy level and keep it steady and harmonious so we will be less susceptible to low emotional states or illness. Rewiring our fight or flight systems can easily be regulated by a deep breath in with the count of 4, holding at the top with a count of 4, releasing out the mouth to a count of 4 and holding at the bottom empty to a count of four. This breath exercise is a wonderful reboot if practiced, especially if you have moments of anxiety. We should, however, have the guidance of a person experienced in breathing techniques when diving deeper.
7. Daily Deep Relaxation: This will calm the muscles, nerves and all other bodily systems, and thus rejuvenate the body and the mind. Deep relaxation, in conjunction with the above-mentioned techniques, contributes to the development of a strong and healthy immune system, circadian rythmns and parasympathetic systems. Historically our culture has us flooring our foot on the gas petal, leaving us open to burn out. Finding time even if in short spurts to consciously relax.
8. Creative Self Expression: This is much more important to our physical, emotional and spiritual health and harmony than most people imagine. Humans are creative beings. Our purpose on Earth is to create in some way. We might create a painting, a piece of music, a dance, a family, a business, ect. Creative self-expression is essential for our health, harmony and happiness.
9. Meaningful Activity: It's imperative for us to feel that our life is worth living and purposeful. If we do not see what we are doing as meaningful, useful or helpful in some way, we lose our reason to exist, and our health and happiness can gradually deteriorate. Being of service to others and random acts of kindness can fill ours hearts and immediately raise our vibrations.
10. Massage: Any form of healing touch and/or massage, spiritual healing, Reiki and other such energy-oriented types of somatic work can be especially effective in relaxing the nervous system and reducing negativity.
11. Cleansing Techniques: One simple method is to be more intentional while in the shower or bath. Contact with water can be healing, releasing and calming. Cleansing your environment with sage or Palo Santo with doors and windows open to clear stagnant energy is also a wonderful way to notice a change in your living space.
12. Emotional Release: We might need to partake in a program of emotional release under the guidance of an experienced professional, who can help us release pent up emotions which undermine our health and energy level. But you can also do a simple exercise of placing rocks in your pockets and walk down a path that leads to water, placing each rock on the path releasing a negative emotion. Example could be: with this stone I release all insecurities, knowing I am safe in this beautiful world….
13. Social Harmonization: We need to discover and overcome any fears or beliefs that prevent us from feeling comfortable with others. This can be done with shadow work, as I look out to the world, what is reflecting back is the judgment of others. It is a great starting point to mirror and look with-in myself the things I need to heal. It always starts with "me" to gain collective wholeness.
14. Spiritual Orientation: Each of us has their own personal relationship with the universe. Whether or not we adhere to any particular religion, it is important for our inner balance that we feel and cultivate our relationship with the whole as humanity, as nature, or as Spirit. Conscious contact with this power on a daily basis can add such richness to our life and align us with the right relationship in all affairs.
15. Self Knowledge: We need to understand our own inner mechanisms, needs, desires, fears, expectations, beliefs and subconscious workings in order to free ourselves from the negative emotions, mechanisms, which undermine our health, happiness and relationships. This is the difference between our ego voice and our inner knowing voice.
16. Enlightening The Subconscious: This aspect of clearing our Pinal gland, increasing the energy flow to our brow chakra and ridding ourselves of negative programing, because honestly it's all based on the past and not current to today's life, breath or beauty. Experienced professionals can help us reprogram the subconscious with positive, more objective beliefs and perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world.
17. Unconditional Love: Showing this towards ourselves and others is the ultimate key to a high and harmonious energy flow. When we drop into our heart space through exercises of yoga, heart opening practices, Metta meditation and Ho'oponopono our energy field changes for the better.
18. Sound Baths: Harmony, vibrations, resonance and rhythm are definitions of no mistake when referring to music and its healing properties. When feeling blue we can change our vibrations so quickly with playing our favorite upbeat song. Sound baths are a use of healing instruments to provide a unique experience utilizing sound as a tool for relaxation and stress reduction.
19. Grounding: Our connection to the earth is challenged by our rubber shoes, day jobs at our desks, excesses of not enough time in the day and more. Although these may be legitimate events in our lives, feeling the ground under our feet for 1 minute or 60 minutes makes an incredible difference. So a walk at lunch, having coffee outside with your bare feet on the ground or be daring and find a tree to embrace connecting spirits and energy and I promise you will feel a shift.
20. Gratitude: This practice is one that creates a world of love and positively. Be grateful for your teachers, positive and negative. Write a list each morning, write a list each night, say the serenity prayer… God grant me the serenity to accept what I can not change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Use Gratitude as an action to breath in this beautiful life, breath out the things no longer serving you and expend your consciousness.
If you would like more information on raising your vibrations feel free to schedule a free consultation with Misses Brown @ www.sacredstarofferings.com
This is brilliant! Great post! 🤟🏻🪷💜